Ympäritötutkimus Yrjölä Oy

Expert of Finnish nature

Environmental Research Yrjölä Ltd is an environmental consulting company based in Klaukkala, near Helsinki. The main fields of consulting are environmental research and environmental communication including educational activities.
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In the recent years, major areas of our activity include research on wetlands and on the impact of human activity in Natura areas. We have also participated in wind power studies at Åland, and at Siikajoki near Oulu. We are well acquainted with statistical methods and the use of geographic positioning in research.


The company produces high quality nature inventories and reports for authorities as well as for private companies and municipalities. Special areas of expertise are zoology, botany and fisheries research. Our services range from monitoring and data gathering - through analysis and assessment - to reporting in the format our client wishes: as a printed report, a website or an exhibition, among others.

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Typical services and products include species inventories, bird censuses, plans for land use and management. Major reference work include nature inventories for the City of Helsinki and the Port of Helsinki, statistical analyses and reports on recreational fisheries and hunting to governmental authorities. We have also made nature surveys and management plans for watercourses, wetlands and Natura areas.

Environmental Research Yrjölä ltd
Nuijamiestentie 5 C
00400 Helsinki

Tel +358-40-7191908 Rauno Yrjölä

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